The one story I did like involved a cat to whom a house had been willed who then saved the heroine from certain murder. I can respect that.
It got me thinking about animals in books and how they affect my enjoyment of a book and my sympathies for characters. I adore Jennifer Crusie's books and many of her works involve characters who rescue animals, have rescue pets, and who judge others based on their animals. You recognize the hero because of how he interacts with those animals. "Dogs and Goddesses," written with the amazing Lani Diane Rich and Anne Stuart, has the following line describing one of the heroes:
"Slayer of Demons, Greatest of Kings, Savior of Puppies"
How do you not like a hero with that description? That's what makes our heroine start to fall for him.
Lani Diane Rich also has a book where you know the hero is a good guy because he saves all the animals from a burning pet shop at the start of the book, even though he's trying to get out of town before anyone sees him. He knows that you have to save the animals.
Elizabeth Peters has her heroines and heroes form relationships with animals although it's not always quite as cut and dry as "the guy the animal likes is the hero." One of her heroes is hated by the heroine's cat, but he's the one who found the cat for her when she thought the cat was lost forever. He braved tooth and claw to help his beloved keep the cat she loved. That same heroine has a vicious looking but incredibly sweet dog she saved from a gang of criminals who kept him half starved.
I started Kristan Higgins "The Next Best Thing" feeling friendly toward the heroine half because the cat pictured on the front, back, and side covers looked identical to Toby and the heroine loved that cat.
A heroine/hero doesn't need to have animals in her/his life for me to sympathize and identify, but it certainly helps and I cannot like a character who isn't responsible or kind toward her animals.
Does a character's relationship with animals affect your enjoyment and judgment of stories? Does a character treating animals well automatically signal to you that he or she is good and important to the story? Or is this trait contained to my personal brand of crazy?
All the books in those photos are from my collection and involve, in some fashion, animals telling you about the characters. They're some of my favorites.
Great topic, Bethany. I didn't do it on purpose, but many of my stories seem to include pets. The heroine of my current MS has a tuxedo cat named Charlotte, whom she discussed things with quite often. Charlotte gets her opinions across with one look.
The hero of the next story has a dog who happens to be identical to a dog I had not long ago. A Chow/Retriever mix (with who knows what else) who was the love of my life. I love that I can immortalize him in a story. I've written him into one short story already, but he deserves to appear more than once. :)
I like the idea of a character discussing things with her cat--I do it all the time! I also completely understand immortalizing your dog. It's one of the gifts of writing. There might be a gray male cat showing up in my rough work in progress.
I love authors who can do animals well, and my two faves in this respect are Jilly Cooper and Louise Rennison.
Cooper does horses, dogs and cats; and how her characters treat those animals definitely tips you off to their qualities.
Rennison's Angus in "Angus, Thongs and Full-frontal Snogging" is THE BEST cat I've ever read. He terrorizes the next door poodles, and romances the purebred across the street, and makes general mayhem along with the heroine's younger sister. Very funny series.
Oh, boy... reading material! I will be sure to pass any good titles on!
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